Archive for July, 2004

Happy Birthday Liam!

Friday, July 30th, 2004

Liam celebrates his 2nd birthday today!


Thursday, July 29th, 2004

Blogarama - The Blog Directory

Another plug for a directory that listed us: Blogarama.

Infintile Hemangioendothelioma Support Group

Sunday, July 18th, 2004

We have started a support mailing list for families of children suffering from hepatic infantile hemangioendothelioma and related issues such as liver hemangiomas, pediatric angiosarcoma, and liver transplant.

“They Abide”

Saturday, July 17th, 2004

A quote my father sent when Saffy was hospitalized. He died last year.

Here is a wonderful quote from the screenplay of “The Night of the Hunter:”

Children are man at his strongest, they are possessed, in those few short seasons of the little years, of more strength and endurance than God is ever to grant them again. They abide.


Saturday, July 17th, 2004

Listed on Blogwise

Blogwise was nice enough to list us in their directory, so I’m returning the favor by plugging their site.