Archive for the ‘Atheism’ Category

The Wesleys and the Ustickes

Friday, June 3rd, 2011

The below footnote tells an interesting account from 1746 of one of my ancestor’s attempt to arrest a Wesley brother (the founders of Methodism). As clergy in the Church of England and members of the establishment, my family were natural enemies of the Wesleys. (William Usticke is also my son’s name.)

William Usticke, J.P., of Leah, or Leigha, St. Buryan. At Trevallard, July 25, 1746, Charles Wesley writes:

I was led undesignedly to pray for our drunken persecutor. . . . I had left my hymn-book in my chamber, and stepped up for it. One came after me with news that Mr. Eustick [Usticke] was just coming to take me up. I went down to the congregation, but my friend Eustick was gone, without beating man, woman, or child. He only asked if Mr. Wesley was there, for he had a warrant to apprehend him; went out at the other door, and told those he met he had been searching ail the house for Wesley, but could not find him. We supposed he had not got sufficient courage, i.e. drink, for his purpose, and expected his return. To make the devil a liar, I began preaching an hour before the appointed time. . . .

In the courtyard Charles preached again on ‘Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?’ which he calls a two-edged sword. He concluded with the hymn, the first verse of which he gives in the Journal,

Glory and thanks and praise
To Him that hath the key!
Jesus, Thy sovereign grace
Gives us the victory;
Baffles the world and Satan’s power,
And open throws the gospel door.

One almost wonders whether Charles did not compose this specially for the occasion, as he certainly did other hymns during his Cornish tours.

Camp Inquiry pics

Monday, July 26th, 2010

Saffy & Liam attended Camp Inquiry last week and had a blast. Pictures are on our photo gallery.

The parents were treated to a discussion with Dale McGowan and a presentation by James Randi. Below is a video of a card trick by The Amazing Randi.

Camp Inquiry

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

The kids are going to sleepaway camp this year. They’ll be at Camp Inquiry for a week next month. The camp’s mission:

This is a place where kids can be themselves. We work toward helping youth confront the challenges of living a non-theistic/secular lifestyle in a world dominated by religious belief and pseudoscience. Grounded on the conviction that kids can begin establishing habits of the good and ethical life early on, Camp Inquiry 2010 adopts a three-part focus: The arts and sciences, the skeptical perspective, and ethical character development comprise an integrated approach to this “Age of Discovery”.

The speakers list is pretty impressive and includes James Randi and Dale McGowan. I’m jealous!

Flying Spaghetti Monster

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

FSM license plate

My daughter helps me show off our FSM license plate.

Saffy had cancer as an infant and was saved with a liver transplant after being listed as status 1 (less than a week to live). Some may attribute that miracle to her team of surgeons, donor family and modern science, but we know it was really His Noodly Appendage that saved her.

Donate Life!


Westchester Atheists

Saturday, February 28th, 2009

Click here to check out
The Westchester Atheists!